Reality TV with Real Estate VS Real World Real Estate

We have all seen the shows on HGTV, Bravo, and other networks that host Reality TV shows about Real Estate. The more popular these shows have become, the more buyers/sellers come to agents with unrealistic expectations. Why you might ask? Easy answer. It’s tv. Not everything you see on tv is real. They want the dream and drama to keep you watching. They want to show you the battle of David vs Goliath. The reality tv producers know that they have to keep things interesting to keep you watching.

The Real Facts About Real Estate Vs The Reality TV with Real Estate

#1 Real Estate Fact Vs. Reality TV Myth:
Myth: The house should sell at a open house. Fact: 98% of homes are not sold at open houses.
#2 Real Estate Fact Vs. Reality TV Myth:
Myth: Real Estate Agents get all the commission. Fact: Real Estate Agents split the 6% commission with a buyer or seller agent and then split the 3% with a broker. That’s not including uncle sam’s take and marketing expenses.
#3 Real Estate Fact Vs. Reality TV Myth:
Myth: You need a full crew, tools, and lots of extras to stage/upgrade a home for selling. Fact: You need to understand where your home is position in the current market and review what items can be replaced, staged, or upgraded to generate the most amount of yield.
As you can see below there is an Infographic that illustrates the difference between “Reality TV with Real Estate VS Real World Real Estate“. If you are searching for homes  and you need to ask questions about the home buying or home selling process,I am  available to answer any and all questions.

Reality TV Shows vs. Reality in the Real Estate World


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